The 14 foods you should eat if you want to lose weight

If we lose weight we must prioritize food intake to help us in our goal, and there are some that should never miss
All the calories are the same? It seems a simple question, but the answer varies greatly among scientists. Until recently, most nutritionists thought yes, that all calories were the same and, since fats are the type of nutrient that contributes more energy, is that we should first reduce if we want to lose weight.
Broadly speaking, this is the hypothesis of energy balance -in short, we are fat because we eat more than quemamos-, which has been the only way to explain obesity for decades. But, as nutritionists like Jose Maria Ordovás and other scientists, as the discloser Gary Taubes, is a limited and misconception.
The same view is Kris Gunnars, responsible for the website Nutrition Authority, which seeks to collect nutritional advice based solely on scientific evidence. In his opinion, "the different foods go through different metabolic processes in the body, and have very different effects on hunger, hormones and how many calories we burn."read more link at the bottom.
The 14 foods you should eat if you want to lose weight

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